
I went to the usual Monday morning yoga, but only popped home to change into more appropriate breeks and then out again to bus across town to Butterfly World, for a short-notice micro-blip-meet.

DaveH and WeeFlecky had scarely met before they were, erm, bonding over a handsome python called Momo. But none of us wanted to let the giant millipede walk over us, much though the charming and knowledgeable Keith tried to persuade us. We did watch a praying mantis being given a live cricket for her tea - D may have taken a grisly close-up but haven't seen it yet.

But the butterflies were exquisite (see extras). We would have stayed longer but it is kept so hot and humid that we had to stagger out, perspiring gently. Turned out WeeF was staying in Newhaven for the night so we were able to bus back together.

Thanks for suggesting it, M - another visit to the butterflies was long overdue!

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