
Max drove Zebedee, Gulliver and I to Brighton where I lived from 1978-1989 with my Mum and my brother, she continued to live there until a few years back when ill health meant she needed to go into a care home for the last two years of her life, she’s been gone nearly two years and the time felt right to scatter my third of the ashes, first into the sea she loved so much and then up on the South Downs to Devils Dyke which is so peaceful and where we shared happy times. We all scattered some and remembered her with stories but mainly we had a lovely day together, just the 4 of us, something we haven’t done for a while due to our busy lives. Lunch in a cafe by the sea and ice cream an cake and coffee at another cafe. Family ❤️Thankyou Max for all the lovely photos x I wore the gold necklace she passed away in.

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