.... with a Lorikeet and a Red necked Wattlebird deciding who should be feeding???
Found this red necked wattlebird enjoying the back of this grevillea without realising on the other side this Lorikeet was also having a good feed. Also oblivious to the wattlebird - BUT then the fun started the wattlebird realised and.... started to dive bomb the Lorikeet.
The lorikeet sat by watching as the wattlebird flew around playing "silly b...."!
Finally the Lorikeet took off!
It was quite funny watching and pleased with it all happening in a "flash" that I got some sequence of shots showing the fun.
Enjoy and have a look in LARGE
... also thank you from the little fairy wren the other day with its stare off for the kind feedback she is very delighted to be sitting up in the populars!
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