Bucking heck!

A full day of horsing. And for a full day of horsing I have absolutely no photos of horses. This tiny leaf will have to do instead.

Whilst out for a ride with Gorgeous this afternoon, he managed a nice couple of canters. The last grass track we did, Billy always seems to get a bit  excitable on. But with a couple of canters under their belt and nearing the end of the ride, I thought we'd just fit in a last wee run.

With me out in front, I could hear Billy behind, all was good, Then I heard a buck...I'm not sure if it was the change in his footfall or the slight grunt he gave with the effort or just the general body movement I heard. All i knew, without looking round, was that it was a biggy. Thankfully when I did turn around, Gorgeous was still on Billy. Phew. It was always going to happen at some point. I don't think it's put Gorgeous off...But we will take it easy the next few rides out and concentrate on position and control just to add a bit more confidence.

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