Life through the lens...

By ValC

Cold and frosty sunrise

Another sunrise shot from the bedroom window.
Beautiful colour in the sky, and you can just see the frosty fields in the distance.
I think it was the coldest night of the winter so far this year.

At last we have got the right chest of drawers!
Just noticed the order date was the 18th August!
So it was everything out of the borrowed chest and into the new one.
Looks fine, and we have now put the new mirror up.
(Won't bore you with that saga! Complicated. It's almost straight)!
Now have to buy a new lamp as the old one looks too big.
And I have decided to buy one of Monet's water lily paintings for the wall.( Not the real one of course!!!) I think that will be my Christmas present from MrC!

Just finished baking yet another batch of mince pies!

We were going to go to York tomorrow, but freezing fog doesn't sound too good, and it is quite a drive, so postponed until next week.

I would just like to finish by saying a HUGE WELL DONE to Bradford City.
Great win over Arsenal, in the League Cup!
Although we are Leeds supporters, we are pleased they have done so well!

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