More socialising

I'm only a three and a half month old little collie puppy but according to my very lovely owner, Ann, I need to do lots and lots of 'socialising' while I'm still young.

This morning Liz & Donald (Mr & Mrs Flumgummery) came round to meet me. They brought me a very lovely toy (See extras). I love, love, love my toys. I play with them for approx two hours a day.

This afternoon Iain (in this Blip) came to meet me. Iain also brought me a toy. I am such a lucky little collie to get so many nice pressies.

Anyway, long story short.................. Iain was heading into town for a couple of hours and Ann had a 'meet & greet' to do. Ann went off to her 'meet & greet' and Iain looked after me for half an hour. Ann wants me to get used to other people looking after me. Apparently I cried a little bit when Ann left, but not for long. And I cried a little bit when Iain put me into my crate, but not for long.

Ann's 'meet & greet' only took half an hour so then she headed into town to meet Iain for a drink cos she's trying to leave me 'home alone' for a couple of hours every day so that I get used to it.

Ann & Iain came home after a couple of hours and I got taken outside straight away. And guess what?...……... I had a wee & a poo. Yay!!!! If you've been following my Blips you will know that I'm not doing very well with my toilet training. I'm brilliant with everything else.

Anyway, Ann cooked Iain dinner. She'd bought a very yummy fish pie from the Cook Shop.  And while they were ignoring me I had a wee on the balcony and on my puppy pad. Yay! Unfortunately Ann didn't catch me in the act so she couldn't praise me.

I'm lying flaked out now. It's hard work being a socialising little collie.

PS – Ann is going to stop stressing out about my toilet training. I'm only little and I can't be expected to know where the appropriate places to toilet are when I'm so young.

PPS – Ann isn't going to mention 'puppy toilet training'  on Blip for at least another week???!!!


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