This is Yu's peace sign

Yesterday, when I returned home, I found a letter in the mail box of my house, it was an envelope from Yu's friends, and it included one charm of recovery. In this envelope, there were two letters, one was to me and the other one was to Yu. Reading a letter to me, I was so impressed by the warm encouragement and concern to me.

Today, when I entered Yu's room, I said to Yu. "Yu chan, today I have a news, your friend sent me a charm of recovery and a letter" Yu heard it calmly and saw the charm. When I asked her wheather I could read the letter to her or not, she didn't denied. So, I read it for her. This letter was full of their feeling, sympathy and hope, so I hold back tears in reading the letter. And Yu also heard it with her eyes red in tears.

After reading it, I said to Yu, " You are very happy to have good friends."
But in her gesture, I understood that she didn't want to them right now, so I said to her. "I understood what you want to say, but can I send a photo to them? " she nodded, and took a pose of peace as I have requested.

On the way from the hospital, I sent a message to Yu's friend with her image. Soon, I got a message from Yu's friend. " To see Yu looking healthy, I was pleased almost to cry."  To see this message, I also almost cry.

Yu are blessed to have good friends. You will be able to enjoy her life with them as they said in their letter, I am sure.

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