stuff & nonsense

By sleepyhead

Low Light ~ The Castle

While everyone's back was turned, dazzled with the Christmas lights on Princes Street, I snuck up to the castle. During the day, the castle throngs with visitors the whole year round. Even in the early evening, after the doors are shut, people still gather to take mementos from outside. But tonight, for a few brief wonderful moments, I had it all to myself. A rare thing indeed.

My Bah, Humbug! stage is almost through.

My pathetically small rather exclusive collection of Christmas cards have all been posted.

All my presents are bought and wrapped.

The gifts for the Largs contingent have all been delivered to save space for the trip down on Christmas Eve and as a precaution in case the weather prevents me from making it down - how organised it that?!!

All that is left is the decision as to whether or not to put up the Blipmas tree (named in your collective honour following the constant harassment jovial banter last year) again this year!

Bah... Maybe tomorrow!

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