The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Busy Night

Dear Givers of Treats,

I am such a good boy. I am always looking out for The Princess when we go to the house in the forest. I stay by her side THE WHOLE time. I do such a good job of protecting her that she put me in charge of The Omega Princesses last night and moved my bed into their room.

I guarded them ALL NIGHT but then I thought I heard a noise. I was very worried about The Princess, so I alerted* The Eldest Omega Princess so she could take me to her.

Thank goodness I got there as quickly as I did. Who knows WHAT I scared away? I was so relieved that I decided to give her LOTS of attention.

We went downstairs. She moaned that it was only 5 am which was actually a bit selfish as I had already had a VERY busy morning guarding them with my life. It had really taken it out of me and I was exhausted.

So I curled up at her feet and had a lovely long sleep.


*I was NOT crying

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