Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Long days short...

Garbed in full Winter cloth, with an eager heart and a lustful eye, with passion and longing I fled the confines of mortal man and entered nature. A thick white frost coated the ground with open abandon, delicate lace of crystal white. An early cold mist made the distance fade to grey and white, my breath seemed to rush to add its tumbling form with all else.

The hard earth made pedalling across the fields less work than of late and the sucking cold soon had me panting with effort, a deep comfort to my chilled fingers. Round each wondrous corner, upon each open field, Winter reached her icy tendrils, kissing leaf and branch the same. Into the dips and hollows, home of deep frost where sunlight dare not tread, icy puddles now so solid as to think itself earth. Stand on the crunching grass making hard and steady footprints, hearing the crinkling breaking under foot.

Onto the town and warm up with coffee and the mundane tasks of life.

Home through the mist and into the study for some card making, losing myself in the patterns and forms, pen and paper, ink and paint soothing my soul.

Suddenly it is time for blip done can that be???? I only got up a few hours ago!!!

These short days bemuse and beguile me.....A bit of a late one then!!!

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