I am grateful for ...

By shirleyray

Fog Lifting

I did get yesterday's blip loaded this morning.

The last two days have started with a heavy fog layer. We rarely saw this in Las Vegas, so I am trying to see what I can do photographically with it. I think I will like playing around in the fog.

It isn't suppose to get very warm today so we cancelled playing golf. With the rain the past two days, it would have been paths only, so I am ok with another day in "the pit".

We volunteered to host two Portland State women golfers during a tournament that is being held here the first part of March. They will be with us four nights. There are a few things I want to do in the casita to make it a little more comfortable. This has pushed me to get those things done. 

I am grateful to be experiencing different kinds of weather, but I am ready for it to get warmer. Looks like I will have to wait a bit as another cold snap is coming in.

Until tomorrow.....

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