"Will Perdie and Ru please take to the floor!"
One of the little pups (Rudolph) we looked after before Christmas came down to visit his "granny" this weekend so we took Perdie down to meet Ru (as he's now called) on the local playing fields. They got very excited with much leaping about but this shot made me laugh as it really looks as if they are dancing together with Ru's little back leg off the ground! I thought it would be fun to include it in the Silly Saturday challenge - many thanks to Admirer for hosting.
He is now sixteen and a half weeks old. We were really chuffed that he definitely recognised us too, leaping up and "play biting" our hands, etc. which he doesn't do with everybody. His teeth are still pretty sharp!
I've added an extra of him on his own, in a quieter moment. It's great that we can see him from time to time as he gets older and (eventually) matures!!
Back-blipped from yesterday.
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