Hack on Jack

Very horsey day.
Hay delivery.
Hack on Buddy.
Cleared 4 barrows of poo from Jack and Limes pens.
Led Eva round the woods on Jack.
Then the horse whisperer arrived. She did Jack first.
She said he's an absolute gem of a pony, forward and fast but he will take care of Eva. He has a very cheerful personality and loves his work, but is desperate to go for a canter and wants to jump too and go hunting. He knows Eva is not ready so he wants me to get on him!! He told Eva she is doing really well with her lessons. But he also said he is homesick for his old owner Jo as he really loves her and just wants to see her again. I promised I would ask her if she could come and visit so I've emailed her tonight. I bet she thinks I am mad!!
Then we went over to the field to talk to Lime. It was bloody amazing. She may as well have read his vet notes, the detail she told me about his various issues. She picked up quite quickly that he had some pain. She told me that often in that case she would visualise the horse in walk, trot and canter. Lime was loose so he walked off into Jack's pen and walked away from us. She works somehow by visualising the horse being ridden at all paces. She said i don't believe this I think he is going to show me. After he'd walked about a bit he went into trot, demonstrated that to her and then he went into canter and was bucking and farting, all of his own accord. Then he came back out of the pen and started eating. She said he was putting on a show and that he wants to tell me he is OK because he does not want to retire. He wants to carry on. He thinks he's a 9 Yr old stallion. She said his pain is 1 or 2 out of 10 when not ridden and 3/10 after being ridden but he will not tell me if he's in pain cos he wants to hide it and carry on. She said 'you cannot retire this horse'. She said he was so majestic and stallion-like which explains a few things!!
Anyway I do not need to worry that he feels replaced by Jack and Buddy. He is far too confident of his place in my heart to feel that. She said we'd had an amazing time together. He gets cross with Jack because Jack does not always listen to him so that is probably the behaviour I've seen rather than jealousy. I got her to ask if there was anything that could be done to make him happy in the stable and he said no. He does not want to be stabled. He did say that the arc had helped him. She said she really rates them too. But it's devastating that he basically has 3 knackered legs and it sounds like they are as good as they are going to get, which makes me feel so sad as I always had hope it would resolve over time. He wants me to keep riding him so I'm going to start giving him some bute and start gentle hacks again because that is what he needs. I just have to hope it doesn't make him any worse.

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