Socialising and toilet training

I've been the 'hostess with the mostest' today?! It's pretty tiring living one's life in the limelight. I went out in my doggie stroller for an hour this morning. Everyone keeps looking into my stroller and telling me that I am the cutest puppy ever. Obviously?!! And then I had to stay 'home alone' while Ann went out for lunch.

Ann was really worried about leaving me in my crate when she went out because I hadn't been to the toilet since 8am. She'd taken me out at 10am & 11am but I just thought I was going out for a little play. At 11.20am she put me into my crate and she was sure I would have had a little accident in there when she got home. But guess what; I hadn't.

When Ann came home at 1.45pm she took me out again but I still didn't want to go to the toilet. But guess what happened 20 mins later. There I was, playing with my blue rubber bone, when I suddenly felt the urge to go. So guess what I did, …................I zoomed over to my 'puppy pad' which is right next to the balcony door, squatted down and had a wee. Yay! Ann was very pleased with me.

I still got taken out just before 3pm though. Apparently I've got to learn that outside is the place to toilet. Mmmmmmm......................... I'm only a puppy. As far as I'm concerned outside is a place to play??!!

Anyway guess who came round to see me at 3pm?...................... LadyMarchmont & JR. They brought me a squeaky pig. I was a little bit scared of the squeaky pig at first. I went into my crate where I feel safe and secure. I didn't stay there for long. I'm quite a curious little collie so I have to check out everything that is going on. And don't I look gorgeous in this blip with LadyMarchmont.

Oh and also I thought I'd show LadyMarchmont & JR how good I am at using my 'puppy pads' so I had another wee on one at about 3.30pm.

Ann took me back outside at approx 4pm & 5pm but do you know what?............................ I didn't want to go to the toilet; so I didn't.

And then Ann's friend, Susi came round for dinner at about 5.30pm-ish. She brought me a tuggy toy and thought I was the most gorgeous little puppy ever. Obviously!

And then I followed Ann into the bathroom, jumped in the shower and had a wee. Ann ignored me. Should I have been praised for that?!!!!

Today I have done a lot of socialising but Ann's in a bit of a panic about my toilet training. I've been out 7 times today and apart from first thing this morning, I haven't toileted outside at all and I've only had one poo. #isthatnormal

I'm going to get taken out again at approx. 10-10.30pm-ish.

PS – Note from my very lovely owner, Ann - Just about to post this and have realised that Trixie has been on the balcony and had a poo?! Obviously I can't praise her because I didn't see her doing it. And I think she's also just wee'd on the living room floor. 


Handy hints re toilet training a puppy will be gratefully received.

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