Life through the lens...

By ValC

Open wide.

Back Blip for Friday 15th February.

Snowdrops, crocus, daffodils, opening in the warm sunshine.
Birds flitting in and out of the trees,
Their songs getting louder.
It feels like Spring has sprung,
Or are we being fooled, and Winter may still have a sting in it’s tail.

A beautiful day, and a lovely walk round Oakwell Hall this afternoon.
A carpet of snow drops Unser the trees.
The crocuses were also wide open, and even some daffodils out.
It really did feel warm.
I sat for a while watching the birds come to the feeders. Including some long tailed tits.
( see extras)

A bit late posting this as our internet has been down, due to the change over to Fast Fibre Broadband .
Fingers crossed all sorted now except for the TV. Will have to do that this afternoon. (Saturday)

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