
By Hillyblips

A Mick Jagger Moment

It was thick fog but these were like tiny little suns which really stood out in the grey gloom.

I'd been given the job of caretaker for next door who were off jaunting - am I jealous?...Yes! :) Taking a quick shufty round the house to check all was ok I spotted these in the garden. They were just stunning and as luck would have it . :) I had my camera round my neck - it does come off at night!

This Iris Foetidissima or Stinking Iris is planted usually in shade but you can see it on cliffs and hedgerows. 'Stinking' because if you crush the leaves it smells appalling! The Iris pod had split into 3 sections and the orangey red seeds were racked up like peas in a pod. Took numerous shots but am going with the most amusing - if an Iris can be amusing?

So I am saying - 'Lips' - part of my youth, Rolling Stones Sticky Fingers tour of 1971 - and where were you all then I ask? I was at school but went to see them in Manchester with a friend, with no idea how we were going to get home. My Dad turned up having driven from Dewsbury, a good hour away in those days (but hadn't told me he was coming. I suspect because he disapproved of me going in the first place) and met me at the exit. How did he do that with thousands there? It could have gone horribly wrong! You know when you are loved looking back!

The original artwork by Jon Pasche is now in the V&A in London purchased for $92,500 with the support of The Art Fund. This is certainly not 'Brown Sugar' but more white granulated!

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