Double Shot Mummy


Miss adorable :-)

Even though it was only two days ago, I have no idea what happened on this day except that I took this photo and that Maple, Oscar and Bailee had their first bath together!

I am so proud of the twins and how caring and helpful they now are with their baby sister. Bailee tries to wipe her nose, helps with nappy changes and to get her dressed. Oscar likes to bring me nappies and they both love to help me bath her by washing her with a flannel!

Every day Bailee and Oscar give her impromptu kisses and hugs (Albeit sometimes a bit unintentionally rough). It makes me laugh so much when Oscar describes himself as handsome, Bailee as beautiful and Maple as "So cute!"

Maple is suffering with teething still. She is dribbling like crazy and constantly gnaws on her hands. I have introduced 'Sophie the Giraffe' and she enjoys chewing her.

I love this photo as shows off her squishy thighs and her cheeky 'Hug me' personality!

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