Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Keeping it simple...

I was hoping to land a nice shot of a cardinal today but it just wasn't in the cards.  Besides, the tulips that Hubs gave me yesterday seemed a better choice for Valentine's Day.  The color of this is actually more of a dark pink but the camera read it far differently than my eye saw it...and I rather liked it.  So, with very little faffing, blip in the bag.  

Tomorrow is the first day of the Great Backyard Bird Count (click HERE for info including how to enter your photos) and I plan to spend as much time as I can outside photographing birds.  Forecast for tomorrow is 50 F with rain showers so I expect to be out in my hide.  

Third workout of the week today so only two more to hit my weekly target.  Can definitely tell a difference, both in terms of strength and endurance.  Motivation to keep going.

Happy Valentine's, and happy Thursday.


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