Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

Christmas Quiz

What do you think this is ?

I love it, and it comes out year after year and sits on the window sill. Its a modern version....

Blip and run today again! Everything I tried to do for blip didn't work today either until this!

Off to work shortly (you've no idea how much traffic goes through this town before Christmas around lunchtime and I was late yesterday, so I'm leaving early) :)

Many thanks for all your lovely comments on yesterday's blip. For those who asked, they are Christmas lights (small Christmas Trees) and I'd played with the processing in picasa, though I can't remember what exactly I did!

Sorry, I am just a wee bit busy just now, as I expect a lot of you are, to reply to your comments! I will catch up eventually

Have a great day blippers :)

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