Walter on the Wing

"I want to fly by myself,
to make my primaries sing."
But Mom didn't think he was ready...
she kept Walter on the wing.

"I want to join the soaring club,
to enter the pelican ring."
But Mom didn't think he was ready...
she kept Walter on the wing.

"I want to be bird royalty,
I want to be bird King."
But Mom didn't think he was ready...
she kept Walter on the wing.

So Walter stayed in position,
to his mother he did cling.
And sometime in the future...
she'll let Walter off the wing.

Will Walter be a super soarer,
hovering over those who swim?
His Mom will let go when he's ready...
and the rest will be up to him.

This is an as-taken actual picture, but "Walter" is well behind the other bird.

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