Winter Blues
As I listen to the freezing rain pelting against my window (and can no longer see out of it as it is solid ice!), all I can think of are the poor animals, like this Wild Turkey from this afternoon, who need to weather the storm.
Buses were cancelled today but schools remained open so we had to go in. Only one of my students was driven in and there were only about 20 students in the entire school! By 1 p.m., our principal was telling everyone to go home if they had no students left. Hmmmm...mine was staying till the bitter end. Fortunately, two teachers who I have done favours for in the past, volunteered to stay with my student until his mother picked him up. Off to the woods I went....
I was taking photos of all the birds and spotted the Rusty Blackbird so took a few photos of him with the Cardinals. When I saw the photos on my laptop at home, I realized that another blackbird has decided to hang with the Cardinals...a Brewer's Blackbird! (Do correct me if I am wrong...)
Now it is time to get to bed. No idea what I will be waking up to tomorrow... Take care everyone : )
D x
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