Preparing for the Hounslow

The Blackheath Rotary Club is holding its inaugural Hounslow Photographic Prize this weekend. 
Hobbs and I found ourselves on the committee, no doubt because we own proper cameras.

Here John and Larry are trying to determine how to put these stands together. They eventually figured it out.

The paintings are delivered tomorrow, hanging Thursday and opening Friday evening.
It should be an interesting week.

This is the reason it is called the Hounslow:
"Blackheath was first named by Governor Macquarie who, passing through the area on his way to the new settlement at Bathurst, declared `it having a rather wild heath-like appearance, I have named it Hounslow.` On his return sixteen days later he changed his mind and on 15 May 1815 he wrote in his diary `This place having a black wild appearance I have this day named it Black-heath'.

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