Along came Dawn.....

The Boss had a bad night last night which was entirely his own fault...Sorta.
The day before he had done a training stagger "Cos "The Round The Bays" annual thingie is next weekend so he staggered all the way to Mirimar ( about 10 Km ) and had lunch at the local theatre cafe before staggering back to a bus stop. What he didn't think about was the time the back of his legs (below his shorts) were exposed to the very strong sun and he only wears shorts for a few months in summer and hadn't thought about that.
So his legs were red (very) and last night they itched ITCHED etc so The Bossess (who was leaving on a jet plane asshedoes)with the sparrows  this morning ties cotton gloves to his hands and suggested he sleep somewhere else last night, in the lounge for instance, which he did and consequently was looking out the window as Dawn got out of her car, picked up her briefcase and walked into the day.
He was really pleased to see her.
He is now looking for some SPF 10,000 sunblock. I think it's called jeans. 
Pawscript...Yes the mouse has been at work here...

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