
The usual Monday trip over to The Folks today. Pretty normal except that my Dad was keen to try out the new bread pan to make regular bread for my Mum. I would now like a bread-maker - you can make so much more than just bread in them!

I'm now doing an experiment of writing down everything I eat, in a non-judgmental way. I'm not counting calories or messing about with Macro nutribollocks (just another tool of the multibillion pound diet industry to persuade normal people that they do not know how to eat and have to pay out vast sums of money in order to be told how!) 

Nor am I hoping to lose weight. I've wasted too many years, used too much mental bandwidth, been too stressed and lost and gained the same X amount of pounds too many times trying to live up to a media prescribed ideal which 95% of us have absolutely no hope of living up to, to waste another precious moment of my life on that bullshit!

No, it is purely to see for myself what effect different foods have on my mood, how quickly I'm hungry again afterwards and how generally "well" I feel.

I took the starling photo on the way to my folks' this morning. The light was lovely, and it was slightly warmer than it has been too!

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