Scapa Flow

We are so lucky to live on the shoreline of Scapa Flow.  Privileged indeed.  Whilst CMC was away at her pottery class I went for a wander.  It is a totally flat clam but grey day.  The Long Tailed Ducks are still trumpeting, mallards dabbling about in the Bu Bay. 

Top prize went to the Great Northern Diver which drifted past.  I was once forced to go and see a film which I assumed was about urinary issues; on Golden Pond.  I didn’t like the film.  However if any Blippers have seen film they will hopefully have retained the memory of the Great Northern Divers which are featured in the film.  Sometimes when the Current Mrs Creel and myself listen, on an evening such as this, we hear the elongated wail, almost a yodel.  

Maybe I will be standing outside the Domini’s study tomorrow morning stuffing a Sunday Post in me breeks.

For a consummate piece of Henry Fonda see ‘Mr Roberts’.  A film of the opposite end of the plectrum.  I must put more Snibbo in my breakfast.

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