Sunday. As they should be. With added Thor.

Off to G'Ma and G'Da's for soup and sandwiches with Sam and Tess and the dogs to see some of the Wrights and of course one of Max's many love interests - Duffy. Josh was washing his motorbike and keeping Gma on her toes soup n sarnie wise but news on the wedding front is that Alice has got her dress and Josh is sorting his kilt out soon.

Big news from Down Under from the youngest Wright, Katie's currently taking a few weeks away from China in Australia and only managed to bag an eyeful of Thor and Matt Damon on a night out, sitting close by. Apparently Thor was in civilian clothing and calling himself Chris, not sure what that is about, perhaps he accidentally hit his head with his hammer.

Back home to more take no prisoners/just try and stop me clearing out sorting after joiners handiwork but everything stops for Call the Midwife, the only TV programme Tess and I watch together, while she watches that SAS training thingy with her Dad.

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