If you can't beat them...

By Jerra


The weather was calm and clear quite a change from the winds of the last 48 hours.  So after a visit to town for a couple of things I needed we went out to Lowther to look for a blip.  The weather might have been calm but when out of the car it was a bit cool.

We didn't hang a round as we were feeling the cold quite quickly.  I did take some views but the Lichens on this tree caught my eye.   It was difficult to the miss the yellow which I am tentatively calling a Xanthoria Sp.  The other in the shot I suspect is an Evernia Sp.

What interested me is shown in the extra.  We are often told Lichens and mosses are found mostly on the southern side of trees.  I have always suspected a lot of this depended on what was round the tree.   This trunk was facing SW but had nothing in front of it and some shade behind.   So I am not certain if it proves the theory or not.

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