
By LuvU2

Centipede or 100!

I can hardly believe it's true! I did it in 100 days!

Thanx to Joe, Blipcentral crew and everybody involved in the success of this site, I got hooked despite your warning on the homepage! He-he-he!! Thank you nevertheless, for making this site available to us and for managing it só superbly! You are the actual stars in this family!

Thanx to all my fellow addicts! I dó appreciate all your support and comments and I actually LuvUAll!!!

I must reveal, this shot is made from a picture, I simply could not find a centipede anywhere today and I needed one desperately!! Please forgive me!!

Although the name centipede means 'hundred-legged', the average is actually about 35 pairs of legs, one pair on each body segment except for the last two, the pregenital and genital segments.

Larger centipedes can cause a painful bite, but the poison is not powerful enough to cause death in humans. The house centipede feeds on roaches, clothes moths, and other insects.

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