A wonderful trip with my dad.....
Yesterday was very productive as I took my bedroom apart and went through many things I wanted to do for quite awhile now.. Shredded 30 year old tax records, got rid of a bunch of stuff I don't use, out dated technology, went through a bunch of old pictures and....
I came across this document that I had forgotten about.. My dad and I for the second time drove to Alaska, in a Dodge truck with a canopy.. We slept in the bed of the truck every night.
We drove the Dalton Highway to the Arctic Ocean where I put my feet in the water, we woke up seeing bear walk by, we saw the Alaskan Pipeline beginning, we saw how the permafrost was melting, we saw....
We also drove the Dempster Highway to the end of the road (in the summer time) seeing the Natives, learning the history and...
A trip that will be forever in my heart..
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