With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Ben's (b)lip

Manic Monday as usual, with all the sport after school and homework until after 10pm. Ridiculous.

We had half an hour in the Port as usual. This is me holding our new friend that was everywhere, nipping under half closed shutters of shops and into any warm space he could find, fearless. I am looking at one of those strange conversations going on - a German woman in wild wellingtons with a dog, a daughter somewhere with another four dogs, looking for a place to stay. Two people, five dogs??? There's a story there...

Sorry, the title refers to Ben's chapped lip, poor lad.

Ours is the normal story. The boys will be overtired before the week's begun, never mind me.

Thanks for all the lovely comments and favourites and things yesterday, but the star was Angel.

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