Look! Grass!

We arrived home from Scotland in the darkness last night, so hadn't seen quite how much snow had disappeared while we were away - virtually all of it! It certainly makes life so much easier when you don't need wellies just to go outside to put things in the bin and you're not worried about slipping over all the time. Also makes it easier for my brother to hit a few golf balls in his spare time between farming tasks.

Oh! The peewits have arrived back after their winter holidays at the coast too! Spring is on its way :)

Backblipped our holiday from HERE:

Sunday: Beach Playtime - Grace and three of our host family.
Monday: Come on Arlene - My favourite. Grace choreographs a beach dance.
Tuesday: East Lothian Sunset - and a load of car trouble.
Wednesday: When in Scotland... - Grace experiences her first Tunnocks Teacake.

A year ago: Good morning Gracie - Grace makes her Blipfoto debut

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