Yellow . . .

Daffodils & Tulips

Today I had been outside and hammered crepe myrtle stalks into the ground at the edge of our driveway and mailbox area.

Ever since the D.O.T. paved the shoulders of the road, we have had this erosion issue. I hammered the stalks into the ground and once all of them are in, Jim will cut them close to ground level for me. I will put some quick cement down and that should hold the ground in place.

I had all the crepe myrtle stalks in and was back in the house before 9am. Felt like I had had a good work out too!

Kent put a full day in at work today as both his sights have environmental audits next week. Glad it’s not me as it will be long hard days.

Late this afternoon & evening, I’ve been binge watching “Last Tango in Halifax”

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