Just pauisng

For breath

We had simply the worst ever night with Wom last night. So so poorly. Could stop the coughing, couldn’t calm him

My phone informed me I’d had two hours sleep! Only munchie slept the whole night though.

Up and after many meltdowns about taking the steroids we got them into Wom.

Munchie did ballet. Wom asked to go to rugby - so we did. He did what he wanted and seemed happy. A friend walked munchie round to rugby for me.

Picked Lucy up from her swimming lesson and then took everyone to croome.
Met with Woms old nursery friends.

He survived a short walk and then asked to come home so we did.
Got chocolate followed and some telly time.

Took Lucy home and saw the new house followed by daddy getting chips for tea for anyone under 8.

Tired doesn’t come close to it

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