Welfare case .... again

'W' is for Welfare! ;-)

I think we should be registered with the Welfare Society or something!! Hihihihi!

C&R sr picked these two Treron calvus (African green-pigeon, Green pigeon) up on the tarred road Saturday night whilst on their Neighbourhood Watch duty. They are so beautiful and adorable. sitting close to each other all the time! C&R bought them special formula for African Green-pigeon babies and C feeds them every hour, as usual! We will, of course, let them go once they are ready, but for the time being, they are in safe hands! They are still very quiet, but I listened to their call on the internet, they don't seem to be too noisy in any case!

I have Blipped and Flickr'ed an adult before, just luvvv them.

I am less nauseas but really still soooo drained of any energy, but I was downstairs virtually the whole day today, will surely sleep like a log tonight! I had some reporting to update for school fees purposes today, started real early, and finished roundabout 11:00, lazed around in front of the TV the rest of the day!

GoodniteSleeptite everybody! xoxoxo

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