Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy

The whole tooth and nothing but the tooth

I was meant to be starting on a mini-challenge today (sorry Lucie), but Jnr Jnr has taken her first step towards being a little more grown up. Given the nature of my journal, I couldn't not Blip this.

She was chuffed (but a little shocked at the same time) when the wobbliest of her wobbly teeth came out after school today.

If she asks, I've just checked the going rate for £/g of children's teeth with the Fairy Bank and it seems that due to quantative easing, reductions in construction work and some contentious bonuses given to the rich, greedy, bastard fairies in charge, she's only going to get 10p! Shocking austerity measures. All in it together eh?!?

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