
At this time of the year it always seems like such a rush to get the second dog walk of the day in before it gets dark. So straight after lunch I headed off to the beach with the lurcher. As you can see the place was mobbed! You can also see the low light of the sun as it started to make its way down....it must have been all of 3.00pm when this was taken.

As I drove out of the forest on the way home I thought I saw a dog run across the road. As I couldn't see an owner any where nearby I slowed down an I lifted my sunnies to get a better look. It wasn't a dog but a fox which stood stock still staring right back at me! Gorgeous wee face framed in white. Fortunately Oscar was too busy watching the horses in the fields to even notice! He would have impaled himself on the car window howling uncontrollably if he had!

Mondays are so much nicer when you aren't working ;)

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