Oddly, the grey day brightened up a little just as this tropical rain burst happened.
Work, shopping with TallGirl, trying to help Mr B with things far out of my field of vague competence.
For a break, I tackled the vacuuming, and realised that the reason the kids had done such a shabby job last time was because the vacuum wasn’t picking up. Surgery with scissors and a skewer followed and liberated from the head: several sweet wrappers, lots of hay, two entire tissues, and a broccoli floret.
Later, a meeting at CarbBoy’s school for a presentation by the kids on their Erasmus+ project. Six schools in different European countries working together on cultural and language projects. Makes you glad to be part of such a large, peaceful, cooperative block of countries. Harrumph. Half of his team-mates has not showed up so CarbBoy ended up presenting lots of sections he hadn’t prepared. Wasn’t the most polished performance, but at least he knew where Portugal was.
Later still, Mr B missed his flight.
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