Centre of Learning

I am quite pleased with this shot considering it was shot from the fifth floor of the hospital through a double glazed window with my phone.  I've always found the University Clock Tower draws my attention.  I hope if i ever have to go for a stay at that hospital that I get a room with this view!

Mom has had a little attention today from OT and physio gathering information, mainly talking to my sister and me.  They now have to go away and find out what our local authority want by way of detail of mom's current condition as Mom lives in a different authority.  Complicates things.  My sister and I can't really see how staying at home with extra support might work.  There would certainly need to be work done to make the house suitable if her current condition - lack of mobility and other things -  persists.  It's just a matter of other people agreeing with us and then finding somewhere affordable.  BUT, Dad seems to think she could come home and just put a bed downstairs...  I think that is what he wants because she is his wife and he doesn't want her to have to go to a care home.  There will be a little bit of money worries in there and an awful lot of guilt and upset at the thought of her having to leave the house and home she has lived in for over 60 years.  Their home.  I tried to explain to him some of the financial ramification as far as I know them.  I asked him where he thought he would like her to go if she has to go to a home, and of course, he selected the most expensive local one.  Maybe the local authority will come up trumps!  Too many permutations at the moment.  Early days in the decision making process too.  She didn't want us to leave again today, but I am sure she forgets that we have been very quickly.  Doesn't take away the unhappiness though.

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