A time for everything

By turnx3

Christmas tree

Quite an emotional morning at church, as it was our last Sunday in the old sanctuary. Also quite a busy one as we were singing in the Chancel choir as usual, but both hand bell choirs were playing too. Usually we're able to leave the tables up after practice on Thursday evening, but last Thursday we didn't have regular practice as we were playing at Mason Christian Village, and in any case there was a memorial service yesterday afternoon, so instead we had to get to church half an hour earlier, at 7.30(!) in order to set up. Next Sunday is also Chancel choir's special Christmas music presentation, accompanied by a small orchestra, so we will have our first practice in the new sanctuary Wednesday evening, when they will be experimenting with the sound levels, then we have a rehearsal with orchestra next Saturday morning - exciting times. I took a walk down to the new sanctuary this morning - it looks wonderful - all decked out with new lit Christmas trees, both in the sanctuary and in the space outside. Since we now have a bigger space, we will be returning to two services, rather than the three we have been having for a while, so we will get to have an extra half hour in bed, or a more leisurely breakfast!
When we got home, we skyped with Laura in Macedonia for about an hour - she was quite excited as they'd had their first snow! Then after lunch , off to get some more exercise at the gym.
In the evening, Roger was watching a Netflix movie, but I needed to get the Christmas cards written, so I went into the living room and enjoyed the glow from the Christmas tree in the background while I was writing. So when I was done, I snapped a picture. I decorate this tree in white and gold, and since the living room is also our music room, housing our grand piano, I have several musical -themed ornaments on the tree.

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