Another emergency blip

As threatened, you get an update on the needlework.  It's progressing well, but won't be finished until we return from our next holiday.

The weather forecast yesterday was not promising, but actually we've had no rain, and I did manage to dig out the second shady bed and plant up some hellebores.  This evening, our weather lady is predicting reasonable weather for the rest of the week, though with rain overnight tonight (which is good, as I forgot to water in the plants today).

I had been intending to spend some time at the gym today, but woke with a stiff neck, so decided to give it a miss.  We both spent some time this morning clearing old clothes out of the wardrobe - W started the trend by clearing and folding old shirts, and I followed his example, finding many pairs of trousers and tops that I no longer want or wear.  W would like to take as many as possible to South Africa next week, as he feels they will be better appreciated there.

I didn't get started in the garden until after lunch.  W meanwhile potted up yesterdays succulents, and also trimmed a couple of ferns that were looking ragged.  He finished before me, and was cold, so retired indoors to continue his research into electric cars.  By the time I'd finished, it was getting dark, and I plonked myself down in the lounge with my sewing, and told W he would have to be responsible for the evening meal - he duly and good naturedly obliged, of course.

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