Oh you handsome devils

If you read H’s blip you’ll know what sort of day we’ve had.

She was in a right state earlier and obviously from my dads experiences with heart disease we were keen to make sure she got a proper diagnosis. Frankly I’m not surprised at the outcome, everything that’s happened since September has affected us all in different ways. I’m a boiling angry mess, and H’s anxiety has gone through the roof. In hindsight this was inevitable. At least there is no underlying issue and if we act on the advice we’ve been given then we can at least reduce some of the blood pressure issues. Alf’s even suggested we eat veggie four nights a week, if you know Alf you’ll understand what a massive deal that is.

So a long tiring and emotional day. As usual the NHS ( with an aich ) were utterly fantastic.

It was not all bad though as Alf performed his solo piece for his music GCSE, and is very pleased with how it went. I have a video of his final practise last night and I’m so proud.

Pops has to sort her gcse options out this weekend, that will be good. She has so much potential, I’m keen she keeps her longer term options open ) if you pardon the pun).

Finally band practice. I had a piss poor nights sleep and after today was not performing to a very good standard. I have some practise to do for Saturday.

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