The rules are for guidance ...
Seen in Oxford today - someone's idea of insurrection against the forces of conformity?
In the extras - I rather liked the stairway in the Ashmolian, and the wise words of the founder.
We went to the Ashmolian this morning, and then the Pitt Rivers and Natural History museums ... we might now be cultured out :-)
Down in the depths of the Pit Rivers is a display around the works of a few Intrepid Women who, despite the accademic cards being stacked against them, managed to make significant contributions to the stock of human knowledge. Worth seeing if you have the chance.
I was reminded of my Technical Drawing teacher, Mr Easthope, who on hearing that several of the boys were not happy about one of the girls taking his subject, waited patiently for the noise to subside, and then asked,
"So, what's the problem? Fearfull she might be better than you?"
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