The Wiggles

My Dear Princess & Dear Fellows,

I have taken a picture of these things before.

Caro and me were out and about tonight. Someone she kind of knows but not that well and is not that fussed about was in Wellington so we had to meet them because there's some sort of Law of Physics:

Social ties increase in strength the further you are from home, therefore "vague acquaintances" who you would never meet in Edinburgh become FIRM FRIENDS on the opposite side of the globe.

I think that's true for other people. But not for me. Just so you know. I mean, we all hung out in Edinburgh. So if you are ever in Wellington we will totally meet with you, and you can hang out with Jasper and Punky, and I will make up the spare bed, and Jasper and Punky will get there first and put their bum on your pillow. And it will be LOVELY.

But if you are say, Man Who Couldn't Finish A Sentence from Tesco, or Clive "Chuck" Norris from RX or "Happy Clappy" Martin from Investments then NOOOOOOO. I feel no closer to these people, even though I am further away.

But I suppose Caro's company is smaller, and she would have got shit for snubbing Random Lady. So I spent the evening listening to things I wasn't that interested in and not being allowed to talk about bums or foofs. Torture.

However, I got a good fish supper out of it, so I can't complain too much. Just a little bit. 

Stupid social life.


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