Sprinting in the Strynd

A visit to the toon today to meet K and Dougal.  The menu mainly consisted of planning some hedonism in 10 days time.  Food consumed.  No whisky was involved1.

Dougal and mesel’ noticed that the Skink had the word celery next to it in brackets.  Who would put celery in skink?  We queried this with the owner and she indicated that it is for allergy reasons.  She pointed out there were also other allergy items highlighted on the chalked up menu board.  She then asked if we had not seen her sign outside the cafe2 which said ‘Warning; May Contain Food.  We got her message but she dodged the issue of the celery in the skink.

How can we sleep when this is going on ?

1I have to stay sober for tonight’s One o’clock Canon.

2There was a weel kent supported of the Blue Brazil ensconced in a corner



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