Lake Lyndon

After chores and running was completed today we drove up to Lake Lyndon for a fish.

A funny kind of day. It looked like it would clear and it started to but then the cloud thickened again from the south and the breeze was cold. Here we're looking towards the Craggieburn Range and Arthurs Pass beyond.

Definitely large

Fish like mornings and evenings. We arrived mid-morning and they were jumping everywhere. Half an hour later nothing. No fish for me but the young hunter landed a nice Rainbow trout. His brother had one but lost it.

I fished with my usual lures. Rainbows like bright and shiny things but they weren't interested in my traffic light Tasmanian Devil today.

The young hunter's brother fitted me out with a small sinker and a couple of flies to choose from. The light sinker provides a little bit of weight to take the fly below the surface. Cast it out and keep a reasonably fast retrieve going to avoid the weed.

That's the theory but the fish avoided me. It didn't matter. It's a beautiful place to spend a couple of hours. Then it was back home via another hunter's place with a water cress supply in one of his creeks.

Back on the plains it was warming up nicely. Just right for a wee afternoon snooze.

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