
I thought I'd missed out on the snow so I was delighted to come into the kitchen this morning and see that there had been a fresh drop. 

I love the mornings when Dan and Abi are with me. A couple of mornings a week, I get up a bit earlier and do some yoga and weights but either way, I have shower around seven, wake up Abi, then go downstairs, feed Tux and Flea, and make coffee for me and Dan, which I then take upstairs to rouse him. 

We have it down to a fine art. They come down for breakfast around ten past and they're ready to leave at eight-thirty, which is usually the point at which Dan realises he's forgotten something (typically music).

That's when I usually set off, too, but I knew the roads would be crazy, this morning, so I let Steve know I'd be in a bit late and had another coffee at home while I did a bit of email before going across to the office.

I really like our office. It's part of the old K Shoes factory and it's large and open plan, with really thick old walls and a high ceiling. I'd like to buy it but our landlord won't part with it :-(

It has only one drawback and that is that it has no private space at all, so for the last three years, maybe more, I've been toying with the idea of getting a 'pod' build; an office within the office. Last year, I asked an old friend of mine who's an excellent interior designer to plan something for us, which we got costed up and took to the landlord. Today, work finally commenced!

Consequently, the office was very sparsely populated, today; pretty much everyone worked from home in anticipation of the noise. And it was the right decision!

-11.0 kgs
Reading: 'Middle England' by Jonathan Coe. (There has been a clumsy plot 'twist' that has put me off this a bit :-/ )

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