
Danny and I have reintroduced retreat days into our routine...we used to do them monthly and without fail, but this last year or so we've not been disciplined in taking time out to retreat. 
For me, I find it easiest to connect with God when I'm out in I took the morning and walked along a stretch of coast, into a nature reserve, up into the hills and arrived at a watchtower looking out to sea. It was such a good time to sit with my Bible and journal and note a few things from my walk...and to just 'be'! Like a lot of people, being in nature just feels so restorative, fills my soul! As I came back I picked a little bouquet of lavender and rosemary - it felt like a little gift for me...and they're making our flat smell wonderful!
This evening Stephen was over for tea after he and Danny had been to the prison. Asha and Nate are both BIG fans of his.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Time to walk and talk with Jesus.
2) Living somewhere so utterly beautiful.
3) Feeling restored.

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