
By EvelyneNC

Roland in Wedel in dusk light

My friend and I had a delicious meal in Wedel to celebrate my stay, my goodbye and our friendship. Drove home then, had everything packed and went to bed at 10 pm. At12.30 I woke up although my cell was silenced. I sat a moment at the edge of my bed thinking that I had only 5 more hours of sleep before driving to the airport and flying out to the US.
Then I saw a message on my cell, shining in the dark, flight tomorrow canceled. That included that i couldn’t reach my connecting flights.
I went up to the room of my friend and she was still awake. That made me very happy.
Together we tried to figure out why this had happened, then what to do about it. Three hourslater and endless and fruitless phonecalls to the airlines later, we decided to buy a train ticket to Frankfurt, to return the rental car at a different rentalstation (not at the airport but near the trainstation) inspite of my rental agreement that said otherwise, and my dear friend accompanied me through the night, helped me with my
luggage and put me on the right train.

A special thanks to Ver.Di, the Union of airport employees, who had organized a „spontaneous and unannounced strike“ of more than 1000 airport workers in Hamburg
During this night!

4 hours later I arrived in time for the connecting flight in Frankfurt. Very tired I will soon board my plane to Seattle.
So many thanks and hugs for my wonderful friend who stayed with me all through the night. This was truly unique!

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