New Day. New Picture

By PeteW

Aladdins Cave

Did something totally different(for me) today.
There was an "open studio" event in Edinburgh today. What do I mean?
After living all these years here, I never new such places existed.
Tucked away on 4 floors on what can only be described as a quirky building in Stockbridge, lies a labyrinth on artists workshops. One day a year, the building is thrown open for interested (aka nosey) folk to look around.
Had a fascinating few hours chatting to the resident artists there.

This photo is the workshop of a chap who, to say the least, was nore than happy to talk about his Aladdin's Cave. Embarrassingly I didn't note his name.
From Oxyacetylene torches, to full brass/gold die melting/moulding kit, a set of hammers which was seen to be believed, quite frankly amazing.
There was so much stuff in there that it looked chaotic. But he knew the whereabouts of every item.

Anyway his latest work is what was described as a Zombie Mickey Mouse metal cast. Apparently it's Big In Japan!

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