Ok East Coasters - Laugh
Game called due to snow... Ok, I took this picture an hour ago and it's been snowing hard since.. We expect to get 2 to 4 inches of snow tonight.
My cousins left as they don't have chains or all wheel drive. My aunt and uncle left as he is fighting cancer and doesn't want to risk a cold. At one point there was 15 people over.. 8 still here.
Tomorrow my aunt's will wait a bit in the morning before heading back to Oregon. A family friend is going home after halftime.. and...
I might chain up my Honda in the morning and then my truck but I hope not... Seattle doesn't use salt... Plow and Calcium or Potassium Chloride mix...
Sliding in Seattle.. Go Rams
Update 17:30
My nephew made a snowman. Olive eyes and pickle nose. Much better than a snow covered table
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